Long Island : Yellow Pages
Find any business on Long Island with our Yellow Pages directory service. This directory contains businesses located primarily within the areas of Nassau and Suffolk County. You may also find listings for nearby Brooklyn and Queens. To add a listing click here.
- A
- Abortion Alternatives
- Abrasives
- Absorbents
- Abstractors
- Accessories
- Accident Attorney
- Accountants
- Acoustical Consultants
- Acoustical Contractors
- Acoustical Materials
- Actuaries
- Acupuncture
- Adhesives and Glue
- Adjusters
- Adoption Services
- Adult Movie Stores
- Advertising
- Aeronautical Engineers
- Aerospace Industries
- Agricultural Engineers
- Air Couriers
- Air Pollution
- Aircraft
- Aircraft Brokers
- Aircraft Charters
- Aircraft Schools
- Aircraft Service
- Aircraft Upholsterers
- Airlines
- Airport Transportation
- Airports
- Alcohol Abuse
- Allergy Doctors
- Alternative Medicine
- Alternators
- Ambulette Service
- Amusement Parks
- Animal Hospitals
- Animal Shelters
- Annuities
- Answering
- Antiques & Collectibles
- Apartments
- Appliances
- Aquarium Supplies
- Aquariums
- Archery
- Architects
- Architectural Renderings
- Armored Car Service
- Army Navy Stores
- Art Buyers
- Art Galleries
- Art Restoration
- Art Schools
- Art Stores
- Arthritis Specialists
- Arts Crafts
- Arts Organizations
- Asbestos Removal
- Asphalt & Paving
- Associations Societies & Foundations
- Astrology & Numerology
- Athletic & Sports Training
- Athletic Clubs & Organizations
- Attic & Basements
- Attorney
- Auction Houses
- Audio & Video
- Auto Accessories
- Auto Alarm
- Auto Body
- Auto Dealers
- Auto Detailing
- Auto Diagnostics
- Auto Glass
- Auto Insurance
- Auto Leasing
- Auto Parts
- Auto Repair
- Auto Transport
- Auto Wreckers
- Aviation Consultants
- Awnings Canopies
- B
- Baby Accessories
- Babysitters
- Bagel Shops
- Bail Bonds
- Bait & Tackle
- Bakery
- Band Promotions
- Bands & Performers
- Bankruptcy Attorneys
- Banks
- Banners
- Banquet Rooms
- Barbecue Restaurants
- Barbecue Supplies
- Bars & Clubs
- Bartenders for Hire
- Barter & Trade
- Baseball Leagues
- Basement Water Damage
- Basement Waterproofing
- Bathroom Remodeling
- Batting Ranges
- Beauty Salons
- Beauty Schools
- Beauty Supplies
- Bed & Bath
- Bed & Breakfast
- Bed Bugs
- Bed Stores
- Beeper
- Beer & Wine
- Beverage Distributors
- Bicycle Shops
- Billing Services
- Bingo Halls
- Birds & Supplies
- Blacktop Driveways
- Blood Donor Centers
- Blueprinting
- Boat Dealers
- Boat Rentals
- Boating
- Boiler Services
- Bookkeeping
- Bookstores
- Bottled Water
- Bowling Alleys
- Boxing
- Brake Services
- Brick Work
- Broadcasting Companies
- Building Contractors
- Building Materials
- Building Permits
- Building Supplies
- Bus Lines
- Business & Trade Organizations
- Business & Vocational Schools
- Business Attorneys
- Business Brokers
- Business Consultants
- Business Insurance
- Business Loans
- Business Networking
- Business-to-Business
- C
- Cabinets
- Cable Television Service
- Cafe
- Cameras Telescopes
- Campgrounds
- Camping Equipment
- Candles
- Canoes & Kayaks
- Canvas Products
- Car Buyers
- Car Consignment
- Car Rental
- Car Service
- Car Wash
- Carburetors
- Cardiology
- Carnivals
- Carpenters
- Carpet Cleaning
- Carpet Rugs
- Carpeting
- Catering
- Cell Phone Repair
- Cellular Telephones
- Cemeteries
- Ceramics
- Cesspool
- Chambers Commerce
- Characters & Entertainers
- Charities
- Charter Buses
- Check Cashing
- Chemical Cleaning
- Chemicals
- Chess Clubs
- Child Care
- Children & Infants
- Chimney Cleaning
- Chinese Food
- Chiropractors
- Church Furniture
- Churches & Religious Organizations
- Cigarettes & Tobacco
- Civil Law
- Cleaning
- Clinics
- Clocks & Watches
- Closet Organizing
- Clothing
- Clothing & Accessories
- Clubs
- Coaching
- Cocktail Lounges
- Coin Dealers
- Collection Agencies
- Collection Attorney
- Comedy Clubs
- Comics
- Commercial Insurance
- Commercial Printing
- Commercial Real Estate
- Computer Consultants
- Computer Equipment
- Computer Furniture
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networking
- Computer Repair
- Computer Schools
- Computers
- Concert Tickets
- Concrete
- Construction Companies
- Contractor
- Contractors Equipment
- Convenience Stores
- Convention Centers
- Cooking Schools
- Copy Machines
- Copywriting
- Corporate Municipal
- Cosmetics
- Costumes
- Counselors
- Courier Service
- Court Reporters
- Courts
- Credit Repair
- Credit Services
- Credit Unions
- Cremation Services
- Criminal Law
- Cruises
- D
- Dairy Products
- Dancing Schools
- Darts & Supplies
- Data Communications
- Data Entry
- Dating Services
- Day Camps
- Day Care Centers
- Day Spa
- Decking
- Delicatessens
- Delivery Messenger
- Demonstration Services
- Dental Insurance
- Dentist Group
- Dentists
- Department Stores
- Dermatology
- Detective
- Developmental Health
- Dialysis
- Diamond Buyers
- Diet & Weightloss
- Dietitians
- Digital Wraps
- Disability Insurance
- Disability Law Attorneys
- Discount Stores
- Discrimination & Civil Rights Law
- Diving Equipment
- Diving Instruction
- Divorce Lawyers
- DJ Entertainment
- Doctors
- Document Storage
- Dog Breeders
- Dog Daycare
- Dog Training
- Dolls Collectors
- Domain Registration
- Donuts
- Doors
- Doors Repairing
- Dormers
- Drafting Services
- Draperies Curtains
- Driving Schools
- Drug Abuse Treatment
- Drug Testing
- Dry Cleaning
- Dry Ice
- Drywall Contractors
- Duct Cleaning
- Dwi Lawyers
- E
- Ear Piercing
- Eating Disorders
- Economic Research
- Editorial Services
- Educational Consultants
- Educational Materials
- Educational Research
- Educational Services
- Eggs Wholesale
- Electric Companies
- Electric Equipment
- Electric Equipment Service
- Electric Motors Distributors
- Electric Supplies Manufacturers
- Electrical Contractors
- Electrical Engineers
- Electrician
- Electrolysis
- Electronic Equipment Supplies
- Electronic Instruments
- Electronic Power Supplies
- Electronic Research
- Electronic Testing
- Elementary & Middle Schools
- Elevator Consultants
- Elevator Sales
- Elevator Supplies
- Email Marketing
- Emblems
- Embroidery
- Embroidery Wholesale
- Emergency Medical Service
- Employee Assistance
- Employment Agencies
- Employment Attorney
- Encyclopedias
- Endocrinologists
- Energy Conservation
- Engineering Equipment
- Engineers
- Engravers
- Envelopes Wholesale
- Environmental Conservation
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Product
- Escrow Services
- Estate Planning
- Estate Planning Attorneys
- Event Venues
- Excavating Contractors
- Exchange Advisors
- Exercise & Fitness
- Exercise Equipment
- Exporters
- Exterminators
- Eyecare
- F
- Fabric Shop
- Facial Skincare
- Factory Outlets
- Fairs & Festivals
- Family Law
- Family Planning
- Farm Equipment
- Farmers Markets
- Farms
- Fashion Designers
- Fast Food Restaurants
- Fax Equipment
- Fence
- Ferries
- Fertility Clinics
- Fiber Optics
- Fiberglass Fabricators
- Filing Equipment
- Film and TV Production
- Filters Air & Gas
- Financial Advisors
- Fire & Water Damage Restoration
- Fire Alarms
- Fire Departments
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Insurance
- Fireplaces
- Fireproofing
- Firewood
- First Aid Supplies
- Fish Seafood
- Fishermens Supplies
- Fishing Charters
- Flags & Banners
- Flea Markets
- Flood Insurance
- Flooring & Tile
- Flooring Contractors
- Flowers
- Food Manufacturers
- Football Clubs
- Foreclosure Assistance
- Foreign Exchange
- Fork Lift
- Freight Brokers
- French Restaurants
- Fruit Baskets
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Fuel Docks
- Fuel Efficiency
- Funeral Services
- Fur Coats
- Furniture
- Furniture Repair
- G
- Game Supplies
- Garage Builders
- Garage Doors
- Garbage Removal
- Garden Centers
- Gas & Propane
- Gas - Propane
- Gastroenterology
- Gates & Closures
- Gauges & Measuring Devices
- Generators Service
- Geologists
- Geriatric Care
- Gift Baskets
- Gift Shops
- Glassware Decoration
- Go Carts
- Gold & Silver Buyers
- Golf Cars & Carts
- Golf Courses
- Golf Equipment & Supplies
- Golf Instruction
- Gourmet Shops
- Government Securities
- Granite Wholesale
- Graphic Design
- Graphic Lettering
- Greek Restaurants
- Greenhouses
- Greeting Cards
- Grinding
- Grocery Stores
- Guard Patrol
- Gun Ranges
- Guns & Gunsmiths
- Gutter Cleaning
- Gutter Repair & Installations
- Gymnastics
- Gyms & Health Clubs
- Gynecologists
- H
- Hair Extensions
- Hair Removal
- Hairdressers
- Halls & Auditoriums
- Hamburger Shops
- Hand Surgery
- Handbags
- Handyman
- Hardware Stores
- Hdmi Cables
- Health & Beauty
- Health & Diet Foods
- Health Clubs
- Health Insurance
- Health Services
- Hearing Aids
- Heart Disease
- Heat Pumps
- Heating Air Conditioning
- Helicopter Tours
- Hematology
- Herbs & Botanicals
- High Schools
- Historical Organizations
- Hobbies
- Hockey Clubs & Instruction
- Hockey Equipment
- Holding Companies
- Holistic Practitioners
- Home Builders
- Home Business
- Home Improvements
- Home Inspection
- Home Insurance
- Home Staging
- Home Warranty
- Horse Transporting
- Horseback Riding
- Horticultural Organizations
- Hospice Services
- Hospitals
- Hot Tubs & Spas
- Hotels
- House Cleaning
- House Lifting & Elevation
- Housewares
- Housing Authorities & Agencies
- Human Services Organizations
- Humane Societies
- Hunting Fishing
- Hydraulic Equipment
- Hypnotherapists
- I
- Ice Cream Shops
- Ice Sculptors
- Identification Cards
- Identification Equipment
- Image Consultants
- Immigration Attorneys
- Immigration Consultants
- Importers
- Indian Restaurants & Food
- Industrial Engineers
- Industrial Equipment
- Industrial Machinery
- Infectious Disease
- Ink Jets Toners
- Insecticides
- Inspection Bureaus
- Insulation Contractors
- Insulation Materials
- Insurance
- Interior Design
- Interior Remodeling
- Internet & Online Services
- Internet Marketing
- Investment Securities
- Invitations & Announcements
- Irish Food
- Italian Restaurants
- J
- Janitor Service
- Janitors Equipment
- Japanese Restaurants
- Jetski Rentals
- Jewelers Supplies
- Jewelry
- Jewelry Buyers
- Jewelry Repairing
- Junk Dealers
- K
- Karaoke
- Kennels
- Kerosene
- Kickboxing
- Kids Birthday Parties
- Kids Places
- Kids Sports
- Kitchen Accessories
- Kitchen Cabinets
- Kitchen Remodeling
- Kites Retail
- Knitting
- Kosher Restaurants
- L
- Labor Organizations
- Laboratories
- Laboratory Equipment
- Ladders
- Lamps & Lampshades
- Landscaping
- Language Schools
- Laser Eye Surgery
- Laser Printers
- Laser Tag
- Laundries
- Lawn Mowers
- Lawyers
- Lead Generation
- Leagues
- Leather Cleaning
- Leather Goods
- Legal Services
- Libraries
- Library
- Lie Detection Service
- Life Insurance
- Lighting Systems
- Limousine
- Lingerie
- Liquidators
- Liquor Stores
- Lithographic Negatives
- Loan Brokerage
- Loan Modification
- Locksmith
- Log Cabins
- Logo Design
- Longterm Care
- Luggage
- Lumber
- M
- Machine Equipment
- Machine Shops
- Machinery
- Magazines
- Magicians & Supplies
- Magnetic Devices
- Magnetic Signs
- Maid & Butler Service
- Mail Boxes
- Mailing Services
- Management Consultants
- Manufacturers Agents
- Marble Contractors
- Marinas
- Marine Equipment
- Market
- Market Research
- Marriage Counselors
- Martial Arts
- Mason Supply
- Mason Work
- Massages
- Maternity Apparel
- Mattresses
- Mausoleums
- Mediation Services
- Medical Billing
- Medical Equipment
- Medical Staffing
- Meditation Instruction
- Men's Clothing
- Mental Health
- Merchant Services
- Mesothelioma Law
- Metal Detecting
- Metal Products
- Mexican Food
- Mexican Restaurants
- Miniature Golf
- Mirrors & Glass
- Mobile Homes
- Mobile Offices
- Modeling Agencies
- Mold Removal
- Money Brokers
- Money Transfers
- Monograms
- Monuments
- Mortgage
- Motivational Speakers
- Motorcycles
- Movers
- Movie Theatres
- Mufflers Exhaust
- Museums
- Music
- Music Lessons
- Music On Hold
- Mutual Funds
- N
- Nail Salons
- Nannies
- Needlework
- Neurology
- New Car Dealers
- Newspapers
- Notary Signing Agents
- Novelties
- Nurseries
- Nursery Schools
- Nurses
- Nutritionist
- O
- Obstetrics
- Occupational Therapists
- Office Cleaning
- Office Equipment Dealers
- Office Furniture
- Office Supplies
- Oil Burner Services
- Oil Burners
- Oil Changes
- Oil Delivery
- Oncologists
- Ophthalmologists
- Optometrist
- Oral Surgery
- Orchards
- Organic Foods
- Oriental Cuisine
- Orthodontics Dentists
- Orthopedic Appliances
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Osteopathic Physicians
- Otolaryngology
- Outboard Motors
- Outplacement Consultants
- Oxygen Equipment
- P
- Packaging Service
- Pain Control
- Paint Retail
- Paint Wholesale
- Paintball Game Centers
- Painters
- Pallets Skids
- Paper Manufacturers
- Paper Shredding
- Parachutes
- Paralegal
- Paralegals
- Parking Area Maintenance
- Parking Attendants
- Parking Facilities
- Party Planners
- Party Servers & Hostess
- Party Supplies
- Passport Services
- Patent & Trademark Attorneys
- Patio Builders
- Paving Contractors
- Pawn Brokers
- Payroll Services
- Pediatrics
- Pension & Profit Sharing
- Perfume Retail
- Perfume Wholesale
- Periodontics Dentists
- Personal Injury
- Personal Trainers
- P
- Pet Boarding & Sitting
- Pet Cemeteries & Crematories
- Pet Foods Wholesale
- Pet Grooming
- Pet Supplies
- Pet Training
- Pet Washing & Grooming
- Pharmacies
- Philanthropy
- Photo Copying
- Photo Restoration
- Photographers
- Physical Therapy
- Pianos
- Picture Frames
- Pigeon Clubs
- Pizza Places
- Plants & Planting
- Plaques
- Plastic Surgery
- Plastics & Plastic Products
- Playground Equipment
- Plumbing Contractors
- Plumbing Supply
- Plywood Veneers
- Pneumatic Equipment
- Podiatrists
- Police Departments
- Police Equipment
- Political Organizations
- Pool Halls
- Pool Repair
- Pool Service
- Pools & Spas
- Post Offices
- Pottery & Ceramics
- Power Washing
- Print Advertising
- Printing Equipment
- Printing Services
- Private Investigators
- Private Schools
- Process Servers
- Produce
- Production Companies
- Promotional Products
- Property Maintenance
- Property Management
- Psychiatrists
- Psychics
- Psychologists
- Psychotherapy
- Public Relations
- Public Schools
- Publishers
- Publishing Consultants
- Pulmonary Respiratory
- Pumping Contractors
- Pumps Repair
- Putting Greens
- R
- Race Tracks
- Racquetball Clubs
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiators
- Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies
- Radiology
- Railings
- Reading Improvement
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Agents
- Real Estate Appraisal
- Real Estate Attorney
- Real Estate Brokers
- Real Estate Consultants
- Real Estate Relocation
- Real Estate Rentals
- Real Estate Schools
- Real Estate Training
- Record Labels
- Recording Studios
- Recreation Centers
- Recreational Vehicles
- Recruiting US Armed Forces
- Recycling Services
- Reflexologists
- Refrigeration
- Refrigerators Freezers
- Rehabilitation Services
- Religious Shops
- Reporters Court
- Repossessing Service
- Resorts
- Restaurant Consulting
- Restaurant Equipment & Supplies
- Restaurants
- Resume Service
- Retaining Walls
- Retirement Accounts
- Retirement Homes
- Rheumatology
- Road Service
- Rock Climbing
- Roller Skating
- Roofing
- Roofing Materials
- S
- Safes & Vaults
- Safety Equipment
- Salons
- Sand Gravel
- Sandblasting
- Sandwiches
- Satellite Equipment
- Sawmills
- Scaffolding & Aeriallifts
- School Supplies
- Schools
- Scrap Metal
- Scrapbooking
- Screens Door & Windows
- Sculptors
- Seafood
- Sealcoating
- Search Engine Optimization
- Security Guards
- Security Systems
- Sewage Disposal
- Sharpening Service
- Sheds & Tool Utilities
- Sheriffs
- Shipping Services
- Shoe Repair
- Shopping Malls
- Shower Doors Enclosures
- Shutters
- Siding Contractors
- Sightseeing Tours
- Sign Language
- Signs & Banners
- Silk Screening
- Singles Events
- Skateboards Equipment
- Ski & Snowboard Equipment
- Skin Care
- Skip Tracing
- Skylights
- Snow Removal Service
- Soccer Leagues
- Social Security Attorneys
- Social Workers
- Sod & Sodding Service
- Softball Leagues
- Solar Energy Equipment
- Sporting Goods
- Sports Cards & Memorabilia
- Sprinkler Systems
- Stables
- Stair Builders
- Stairlifts
- Stationery Stores
- Statuary
- Steak Houses
- Steam Cleaning Equipment
- Stereo Systems
- Stock & Bonds
- Stock Brokers
- Storage
- Storm Windows & Doors
- Stress Management
- Stucco Exterior Coating
- Student Exchange
- Studio Rental
- Summer Camps
- Sun Glasses
- Sun Rooms
- Sunglasses Sungoggles
- Super Markets
- Surfboards
- Surgical Appliances
- Surgical Centers
- Surveyors
- Swim Wear
- Swimming Instruction
- Swimming Pools
- Synagogues
- T
- T-Shirts & Sweatshirts
- Tailors Suits & Dresses
- Talent Agency
- Tanning Salons
- Tattoo Parlors
- Tax Attorney
- Tax Consultants
- Tax Grievance
- Tax Preperation
- Tax Resolution
- Taxi Cabs
- Taxidermy
- Telecommunications
- Telemarketing
- Telephone Equipment
- Telephone Service
- Television Advertising
- Television Dealers
- Television Stations
- Temp Agencies
- Tenant Screening
- Tennis Clubs
- Tennis Instruction
- Tent Rentals
- Term Life Insurance
- Thai Restaurants
- Theatres
- Therapy
- Thrift Shops
- Ticket Sales
- Tires Wheels
- Title Closings
- Tobacco
- Toilets Portable
- Tool Rental
- Tools Wholesale
- Topsoil
- Tour Packages
- Tourist Information
- Towing Automotive
- Towing Marine
- Toys Stores
- Traffic Lawyer
- Translators Interpreters
- Transmissions
- Travel Agency
- Treasury Notes
- Tree Service
- Trial Attorneys
- Tropical Fish
- Truck Dealers
- Truck Equipment
- Truck Lettering
- Truck Rental
- Truck Repair
- Truck Washing
- Trucking
- Tutors
- Tuxedo Renting
- Tv Repair
- U
- Ultrasonic Equipment
- Uniform Supply
- Universal Life Insurance
- Upholsterers
- Upholstery Cleaners
- Urology
- Utility Companies
- Utility Contractors
- V
- Vacation Rentals
- Vacuum Cleaners
- Vape Shops
- Variety Stores
- Vascular Surgery
- Vending Machines
- Ventilating Systems
- Veterans & Military Organizations
- Veterinarians
- Video Games
- Video Productions
- Vinyl Repair Service
- Vitamins
- Voicemail Messaging
- Volleyball
- W
- Waiters & Waitstaff
- Wallpaper & Wall Coverings
- Warehousing Distribution
- Washing Machines & Dryers
- Waste Containers
- Watch Repair
- Water Analysis
- Water Beds
- Water Sewage
- Water Taxi
- Water Treatment
- Waterfront Restaurants
- Waterproofing Contractors
- Website Design
- Website Hosting
- Weddings
- Welding
- Welding Equipment & Supplies
- Wheel Chairs & Scooters
- Wheels & Wheelcovers
- Whole Life Insurance
- Wigs Toupees & Hairpieces
- Wills, Estates & Probate
- Window Cleaning
- Window Tinting
- Windows
- Wineries
- Wire & Cables
- Women's Clothing
- Wood Recycling
- Woodworkers
- Workers Compensation Attorney